food, Health

Sweet Potato Leaves Benefits

Sweet potato leaves are nutritious and not expensive. It contains anthocyanins and phenolic acids. It also rich in vitamins and minerals. This leaf has may benefits for the health of our body.

Keeping bones healthy – Sweet potato leaves contains vitamin k that helps maintain bone health and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis. It will also help prevent weak bones.

Anti – anemia – Sweet potato leaves contains iron that the body needs to make red blood cells. It is a big help especially for anemic people who lack red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Fight against free radicals – It is an effective fight against free radicals that are bad for the body because of its antioxidants properties.

Good for the eyes – One of the important ingredients to keep the eyes healthy is lutein, which is contained in sweet potato leaves. It is also effective to prevent cataracts and age- related degeneration.

Anti – diabetic – Sweet potato has anti – diabetic compound that helps lower blood glucose content.

Healthy heart – The potassium in sweet potato leaves is good for the heart. It keeps the fluid balance that lowers blood pressure. Potassium is also an important electrolyte that helps the heart beat properly. The vitamin b6 that sweet potatoes contain, help to eliminate homocysteine, a type of substance that cause hardening of the blood vessels that should be avoided.

Boost energy – Sweet potato leaves contain complex carbohydrates that provide a long term supply of energy to the body unlike other root vegetable foods.

Strong immunity – It is also rich in vitamin C and A, which the body needs for strong immunity.

Reduction in inflammation – The different types and colors of sweet potato leaves have antioxidant properties that help reduce inflammatory disorders of the body.

Anti – cancer – Due to the beta carotene that sweet potato leaves has, the chance of getting cancer is reduced when eating it often .

Disclaimer : This is for informative and educational purposes only. Always consult a health professional for questions and advices regarding health issues.


Bad Effects of Stress

Stress is a common feeling or reaction that happens to everyone. What usually causes stress?

  • Disease in the elderly
  • Bills
  • Work
  • Problem
  • Cant sleep

What happens to human body when stressed?

  • Memory loss
  • Hot headed
  • Chest tightness
  • Short of breath
  • Stomach acid increases
  • Unable to defecate or have diarrhea
  • Sweating

Bad Effects of Stress

  • Muscle and joints pain – stress can cause pain, tightness or soreness in your muscles, as well as spasms of pain.
  • Heart and lungs – too much stress produce hormone cortisol that may cause increase heart rate, heart disease, heart rhythm abnormalities, stroke, asthma, rapid breathing, shortness of breath and high blood pressure.
  • Digestive system – stomach pain, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Skin– some skin condition such as, wrinkled skin, having pimples, eczema, psoriasis, hives and itchiness
  • Hair loss
  • Immune system – stress weakens the body’s defenses and its easy to get sick.
  • Mental health – stress can bring symptoms of depression and reduce enthusiasms for activities .
  • Shoulder, head and jaw – the effects of stress in your body can move through the tension triangle, which includes, shoulders, head and jaw
  • Brain – mind log, no concentration, irritable, mood changes

Disclaimer: This is for informative and educational purposes only. Always consult a health professional for questions and advise regarding health issues.

food, Health

Foods for the Heart

There are foods that are good for the heart and veins. Here are the foods that will make our heart healthy.

Tomato, carrots, sweet potato and pumpkin – they are high in beta carotene, lycopene, vitamin c and potassium. It is good for the eyes and the heart.

Mung bean – it is high in protein, vitamin b, omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and fiber. It strengthens the body.

Nuts – nuts like almond and wall nuts. Peanuts have good fats, vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber. It helps our heart, nerves and skin.

Spinach and broccoli – it contains lutein, vitamin Bs, magnesium, potassium, calcium and fiber. It is good for the stomach, body and heart. It also improves our emotions.

Garlic – it contains allylsulfides, which help lower the cholesterol and blood pressure. garlic is highly nutritious and has very low calories, which is good for the body. Garlic extract is good for stimulating the immune system and helps the heart rate.

Dark chocolate – resveratrol and flavonoids, the special ingredients of dark chocolates. There is a possibility that resveratrol can rejuvenate. Dark chocolate is healthier compared to milk chocolate, which is full of milk and low in cocoa.

Banana – it contains potassium, vitamin c, tryptophan, and carbohydrates. This is important for patients with hypertension and taking maintenance heart medication.

Oatmeal – when you eat oatmeal every morning, your cholesterol will definitely decrease a lot. It contains magnesium, potassium, vitamin Bs, calcium, fiber, and omega 3 fatty acids.

Fatty fish – such as tuna, tilapia, sardines and salmon. It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which relaxes the nerves in the heart and brain.

Berries – all kinds of berries are rich in fiber, vitamin c and antioxidants, proven to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, while reducing oxidative stress.

Avocado – regular consumption of avocados helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels that that improve heart rate.

Olive oil – extra virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants. It is anti- inflammatory and good for vasodilation, the relaxation of the lumen or tubular organ of blood vessels.

Green tea -green tea helps to prevent cell damage that stimulates blood flow and lowers high cholesterol levels. Green tea is rich in catechins. Limit your green tea intake to four cups a day.

Red wine – the alcohol and substances in red wine called resveratrol, can help prevent hypertension and coronary artery disease, a condition that can lead to heart attack. Pinot noir is the healthiest red wine.

Legumes – black beans, peanuts, peas, lentils and soy beans, are rich in proteins and fiber. Most of them have quercetin at saponins that help protect the heart. Legumes are also good for cardio vascular health because they contain plant protein and other micronutrients . Legumes are also low in glycemic index, fat and zero cholesterol, which is good for the heart.

Apple – apples are loaded with pectin, a type of soluble fiber that can help prevent atherosclerosis. Apples are also rich in polyphenols that help prevent cell damage.

Disclaimer: This is for informative and educational purposes only. Always consult a health professional for any questions and advices regarding health issues.

food, Health

The Best Diet Foods for The Heart

Heart is the pumping organ of the body that distributes nutrients throughout the body. Heart diseases are the number one cause of death in the U.S. each year.

  • Green Leafy Vegetables- are a good source of Antioxidants, Minerals, And vitamin K, Dietary Nitrates in green leafy vegetables prevents Cardio Vascular Diseases such as Ischemic heart disease, Congestive heart failure And high blood pressure.
  • Fruits – Are rich in dietary fibers and vital nutrients in the form of vitamins, Minerals and antioxidants. They lower cholesterol levels in the blood to protect the heart and blood vessels from diseases such as Atherosclerosis Ischemic Stroke.
  • Cereals and Nuts – They play a significant role in lowering the bad cholesterol from the blood and increase good cholesterol. Almonds contain high amount of omega3- fatty acids that lowers cholesterol levels in the blood vessels. Rye, brown rice, barley, quinoa, oats, nuts and cereals can lower the risks of developing heart diseases.
  • Fish and Fish Oils – Are known as the super foods for the heart. They contain Omega 3 -fatty acids. Protect the heart from diseases and blood vessels by preventing high blood pressures and lowering the blood cholesterol levels.
  • Dark Chocolate- A good source of antioxidants such as flavonoids, that reduce fat deposits in blood vessels. They protect the heart from developing diseases.
  • Garlic and Green Tea – They play a significant role in the protection of heart from diseases. Green tea contains Catechins and Polyphenols. Green tea is very helpful in the reduction of hypertension and maintenance of normal blood pressure.
  • Olive Oil – Is a rich source of antioxidants and Oleic acid which is useful against heart disorders. Olive oil is also good in preventing the clot formation in blood vessels.
  • Walnuts- A natural source of minerals and micronutrients such as Copper and Magnesium that gives protection to heart against disorders.

Disclaimer: This is for informational and educational purposes only. Always consult health Professionals for advice and questions regarding health conditions.